Lawrence S. Wittner
Solidarity Press
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What’s Going On at UAardvark? is a fast-paced political satire about how an increasingly corporatized, modern American university becomes the site of a rambunctious rebellion that turns the nation’s campus life upside down.

"Humorous, insightful. . . .  In this farcical novel, Wittner . . . shows what can happen when school administrators begin invoking business models. . . .  A well-paced university novel, certain to provide academics with many knowing chuckles." (Full review: What's Going On at UAardvark?)

—Kirkus Reviews

"What’s Going On at UAardvark? offers a satiric look at the contemporary university, full of humorous caricatures, as it tries to offer hope to discouraged progressives."

The Satirist

"What’s Going On at UAardvark? is a must for anyone attending or teaching college."

New Politics

"Administrative malfeasance, corporate greed, and faculty passivity spin out of control at UAardvark. . . . The bad guys are mercilessly lampooned."

—LA Progressive

"Through his skillful weaving of the seemingly absurd with the probable, Wittner concocts  a telling indictment of what is happening to public higher education."

—Dissident Voice

"There might not be an antidote for the corporate takeover of everything that either moves or stands still in America. [But] What’s Going On at UAardvark? makes a stab at it."

—Solidarity Notes

"What’s Going On at UAardvark? is a raucous romp of a novel that stands authority on its head and teaches the mechanics of a modern-day uprising.  It's a funny amd irreverent critique. . . .  You may just laugh out loud."

—Industrial Worker

Lawrence S. Wittner
University of Tennessee Press
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Paperback Price

Working for Peace and Justice provides a lively, colorful account of some of the major social struggles of the modern world, as seen through the memoirs of Lawrence Wittner – an award-winning U.S. educator and scholar who has participated in the peace, racial equality, and labor movements from the early 1960s to the present. 

Scholar, activist, and troubadour Larry Wittner has gifted us with his bold life’s journey for world betterment.  Vividly written and deeply moving, this timely, splendid book will inform and hearten everyone concerned about peace and freedom, justice, democracy, and human rights.”

—Blanche Wiesen Cook, author Eleanor Roosevelt and Distinguished Professor of History and Women’s Studies,
John Jay College & Graduate Center, CUNY

The season has come for memoirs of the children of the 1960s who became academics and changed the academy, and this memoir is a jewel of the genre:  wonderfully lucid, evocative, honest, unpretentious, precise, and interesting.  Larry Wittner’s splendid account reflects his deep good-spiritedness and describes his many years of activist struggle for peace and social justice.”

— Gary Dorrien, Reinhold Niebuhr Professor of Social Ethics, Union Theological Seminary;
Professor of Religion, Columbia University

It is fascinating to peer into the personal life of Lawrence Wittner -- the great chronicler of the antinuclear movement -- in this quite amazing autobiography.  He has lived an exemplary life, one that we all should try and emulate in our own individual ways.”

— Helen Caldicott, Founding President,
Physicians for Social Responsibility

Lawrence S. Wittner
Stanford University Press
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Hardcover Price
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Amazon Kindle Price

Confronting the Bomb tells the dramatic, inspiring story of how citizen activism helped curb the nuclear arms race and prevent nuclear war.  This abbreviated version of Lawrence Wittner’s award-winning trilogy, The Struggle Against the Bomb (comprised of One World or NoneResisting the Bomb, and Toward Nuclear Abolition), shows how a worldwide, grassroots campaign—the largest social movement of modern times—challenged the nuclear priorities of the great powers and, ultimately, thwarted their nuclear ambitions.

Confronting the Bomb is a magnificent and engaging history of one of the most important movements in the past eighty years—the movement for the abolition of nuclear weapons. . . .  Its ebbs and flows, victories and defeats, strengths and shortcomings, are all described with skill and passion."

—Peace Magazine

Lawrence S. Wittner
Glen Stassen
Paradigm Publishers
Publication Date
Number of Pages
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Hardcover Price
Amazon Paperback Price

Peace Action: Past, Present and Future is a collection of short, informative essays written by prominent leaders and supporters of Peace Action (America’s largest peace organization) and its two important predecessors – the National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy and the Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign.  Surveying a half-century of the work of three of the largest and most influential peace organizations in American history, this book provides a unique resource for understanding popular protest against nuclear weapons and war in the modern era.

In celebration of its 50th anniversary, Glen Harold Stassen and Lawrence S. Wittner have edited Peace Action . . . – a collection of essays written by many of the courageous men and women who led the group. . . .  Peace Action is in this fight for the long haul, and we are a better Nation and nation for it."

— Katrina vanden Heuvel, The Nation Online

Lawrence S. Wittner
Stanford University Press
Publication Date
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Paperback Price
Amazon Paperback Price

Examining the dramatic struggle over nuclear weapons and nuclear war that raged from 1971 to 2003, Toward Nuclear Abolition concludes the panoramic account begun in the first two books of Wittner’s Struggle Against the Bomb trilogy (One World or None and Resisting the Bomb) that cover the preceding decades.  It shows how pressure from the Nuclear Freeze campaign in the United States, the European Nuclear Disarmament campaign across the continent of Europe, and comparable movements around the world foiled the nuclear plans of hawkish government officials and propelled them, reluctantly, toward a nuclear weapons-free world. 

Wittner’s impressively researched, clearly written, and balanced assessment of the antinuclear-weapons movement belongs on the shelf not only of every serious student of the nuclear arms race but also of everyone who is concerned about the safety of humanity.”

— American Historical Review

Lawrence S. Wittner
Stanford University Press
Publication Date
Number of Pages
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Hardcover Price
Amazon Paperback Price

Resisting the Bomb continues the story, begun in One World or None, of humanity’s efforts to avert nuclear destruction.  Beginning with the catastrophic atmospheric nuclear weapons tests of 1954, the book describes the gradual development of a grassroots, worldwide movement for nuclear disarmament.  Drawing upon massive research -- in peace movement files and in formerly top secret government records -- Resisting the Bomb provides a vivid panorama of the global antinuclear campaign, as well as startling revelations about the efforts of government officials to repress, contain, and, finally, accommodate to popular protest.

Wittner's book is a tour de force of scholarship . . . weaving together in an eloquent narrative the fruits of gargantuan archival research. . . .  Wittner's magisterial study . . . will undoubtedly constitute, for decades to come, the primary place to turn for reference, orientation, and insight into this protean upwelling of popular will."

— American Historical Review

This brilliantly written and prodigiously researched volume is an excellent example of multinational history."

Lawrence S. Wittner
Stanford University Press
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Paperback Price
Amazon Paperback Price

One World or None is the opening volume in the first comprehensive history of the global movement against nuclear weapons.  Ranging from the prophetic warning of H.G. Wells in 1913 to the H-bomb controversy of the early 1950s, One World or None tells in a lively, intriguing fashion the previously unknown story of the emergence of worldwide public efforts to save humanity from nuclear destruction.  This book won the 1995 Warren Kuehl Prize of the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations as the outstanding book published in the previous two years on peace and/or internationalism. 

An admirable and meticulous job of tracing the tempestuous history of the international peace movement, from the advent of the atomic bomb to the end of the Korean War.”

— American Historical Review

The best description that exists of efforts to promote disarmament around the globe.”

— Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Lawrence S. Wittner
Temple University Press
Publication Date
Number of Pages
Hardcover Price
Amazon Paperback Price

This new, expanded edition of the author’s classic study of the U.S. peace movement surveys the movement’s history from its difficult confrontation with fascism in the 1930s to its emergence as a leading force against militarism, nuclear weapons, and war in subsequent decades.  Drawing upon extensive research, including an examination of the records of the major peace organizations and their leaders, Rebels Against War provides a vivid portrait of the rise of one of America’s most important social movements

“A valuable contribution to American history.”

American Historical Review

“A concisely written, thoroughly researched and insightful study.”

—Journal of American History

“An eye-opener. . . .  Probably the best such study available.”

—The Progressive

Lawrence S. Wittner
Holt, Rinehart and Winston
Publication Date
Number of Pages
Hardcover Price
Amazon Paperback Price

Cold War America provides a lively and sweeping survey of American politics, public policy (both foreign and domestic), and society from 1945 to the mid-1970s.  Drawing upon the work of leading historians, political scientists, sociologists, and journalists, as well as upon government documents and memoirs of public officials, the book develops a sharply critical interpretation of the era.

“A worthwhile synthesis of the modern period with a new and welcome emphasis on the domestic scene."

—American Historical Review

“This is a powerful and convincing history, and deserves a broad audience.”

—American Studies

“An immensely readable, often insightful, and penetrating study of postwar American society. . . .  Highly recommended.”


Lawrence S. Wittner
Columbia University Press
Publication Date
Number of Pages
Hardcover Price

Based upon massive research in new-opened government records—many of them never before examined by scholars—American Intervention in Greece reveals how U.S. policymakers seriously misunderstood the nature of Greece’s leftist insurrection of the 1940s.  In addition, it illustrates how the U.S. government began a major counter-revolutionary campaign that launched a bloody civil war, turned Greek politics rightward, and set the stage for a military coup in Greece and for U.S. military intervention in Vietnam.

“Meticulously researched and well-written. . . .  Utilizing recently released documents and a plethora of other published and unpublished materials, Wittner traces with skill and precision the formulation and implementation of American policy. . . .  Wittner has written an important book, rich in factual material and argument.”

—American Historical Review

“The best study we have of this subject.  Wittner . . . does an excellent job of telling what went on in Greece in the 1940s—and in London and Washington when Greece was on the minds of policy makers in those capitals. . . .  An extremely impressive variety of primary sources has been tapped . . . and one comes away appreciative both of Wittner’s capacity for deep research and his ability to integrate the resulting mass of nuts and bolts. . . .  The book [is] a fine, rich contribution to the literature of the Cold War.”

—Reviews in American History

Other Books by Lawrence Wittner

Peace/Mir: An Anthology of Historic Alternatives to War. Coedited with Charles Chatfield, Ruzanna Ilukhina, Kyril Andersen, Sandi E. Cooper, Alexei Filitov, Carole Fink, and Victoria Ukolova. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 1994. Russian language edition: Mir/Peace. Al’ternativy voine ot Antichnosti do knotsa mirovoi voiny. Antologiia. Moscow: Nauka Press, 1993.